Support us!
Our mission doesn't end here! We have a lot of ideas and the energy to make them happen. Be part of our story!
Redirect 2%
If you had a taxable income last year, you can opt for 2% of the tax paid to contribute to the creation of quality educational content in the technical field.
Formular 230Donate
You can contribute once or recurrently, and together we can do things that are relevant to the community of smart, enthusiastic young people in the technology field.
Formular 230Be a sponsor
If you represent a company that has a project idea that can change the world for the better, launch us the challenge and together we will find the best solution. Or if you want to redirect up to 20% of the corporate tax here you can find the draft contract.
Draft contractJoin the team
If you want to make things work or have personal projects that you want to put into practice, we expect you in our team!